Mould Growth in UK Homes | Impact of Climate Change

Mould growth

Introduction Mould growth in UK homes has been increasingly observed due to climate change are becoming increasingly evident across the globe, with more frequent and severe weather events, along with shifting temperature patterns impacting various aspects of life. In the UK, homeowners are grappling with a less discussed but highly impactful consequence of these environmental…

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What is the best way to clean a printing machine?

plant machinery cleaning

Several cleaning methods have traditionally been used for printing machines, however, Dry Ice Blasting is a highly effective cleaning method. You would typically dismantle any machine, ie; a printing machine, CNC machine, food processor etc when wanting to clean it. This would create an inconvenience, downtime for your business and potentially a loss of income.…

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Best Way To Clean Commercial Kitchen Equipment

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

Dry ice blasting is fast becoming the ‘go-to’ cleaning method for use in Commercial Kitchens. Approved by the FDA for use on food contact surfaces, pellets of dry ice safely remove dirt, grease, and other contaminants from surfaces. How Does Dry Ice Blasting Work? Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide that has been cooled to…

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